I rescued a Sugar Glider with Hind Leg Paralysis
I have rescued couples of Sugar Gliders who suffered Hing Leg Paralysis syndrome. This glider is one of them whom I have given care. I give them balanced diet with calcium supplements, provide them massage and some activities they could do everyday. Some of them could not live long as normal Sugar Gliders but some live long. Hind Leg Paralysis is caused by improper diet and lack of calcium in their nutrition. I would like to advise to give your Sugar Glider more calcium since young, for example - Papaya could be fed for Calcium supplement. There are also Calcium powder available to order from Sugar Glider Care by Mora Shop. Contact details: Sugar Glider Care by Mora Facebook: www.facebook.com/sgcarebymora Mobile: +959255661300 (Viber & Whatsapp)