Trump's English Isn't Good Enough / English for IELTS and TOEFL

Trump's English Isn't Good Enough / English for IELTS and TOEFL

If you like learning about the current news and improving your English for your next English conversation, this English lesson is for you. While watching a news clip about President Trump making mistakes in English, you will learn English phrasal verbs, English idioms, and other advanced English vocabulary that can really stump English learners. 💙 OVER 100 BONUS ENGLISH LESSONS? Become a channel member.    / @americanenglishbrent   📰 Get 15% off GROUND NEWS 🇹🇷 🇸🇪 👨🏼‍🦱 Want a Hair Transplant? Check out Get 10% off a hair transplant Code Brent10 Trump's English 1. Anonymous (adjective) – When someone’s name is not known or given. • : The letter was sent by an anonymous person, so no one knew who wrote it. 2. Gutless (adjective) – Lacking courage or bravery. • : He was too gutless to stand up for his friend when he needed help. 3. Côte d’Ivoire (noun) – A country in West Africa, also known as Ivory Coast. • : Côte d’Ivoire is famous for its cocoa beans, which are used to make chocolate. 4. Namibia (noun) – A country in southern Africa. • : Namibia has a large desert called the Namib Desert. 5. Took some heat (idiom) – Received strong criticism or blame. • : The coach took some heat for making a bad decision during the game. 6. Got the ball rolling (idiom) – Started something, like a project or an event. • : She got the ball rolling by organizing the first team meeting. 7. Miscue (noun) – A mistake or error, especially in speaking or sports. • : His speech had a miscue when he accidentally said the wrong name. 8. Ribbing (noun) – Friendly teasing or joking. • : His friends gave him some ribbing after he spilled his drink at lunch.