Guided Meditation: Vortex Energy Circulation from Chest to Hands | Qigong Breathwork #5

Guided Meditation: Vortex Energy Circulation from Chest to Hands | Qigong Breathwork #5

Let's practice a Qi Energy Breathing Meditation. In this video, MinJae Kim demonstrates a qi energy breathing meditation routine, circulating qi energy in the body. Utilizing the power of imagination, you can visualize vortex energy in front of your chest, and promote the energy flow in your body. Especially, you can release stagnant energy and tension from your chest to your arms, to your hands. 🔔 SUBSCRIBE for weekly videos (and click the bell!) ► 00:00 Introduction 01:29 Begin Meditation 02:01 Imagination: Vortex Energy 03:00 Energy Circulation: From Chest to Hands 08:00 Conclusion WHAT IS K-WELLNESS TV? K Wellness TV provides physical health and mental wellness videos based on Korean traditional mind-body balance and harmonization practice. Our mission is to give you opportunities to experience the best version of yourself. We use methods that originated thousands of years ago in Korea, Sundo, and have been combined with modern science, Brain Education. 🎵Music provided by BGM President 🎵Track : Calm Relaxing -    • [브금대통령] (요가/잔잔한/Lyrical) Calm Relaxin...   #energybreathing #guidedmeditation #basicqigong