15 min - Healing Sound Bath (intro on GRIEF) Crystal Singing Bowls

15 min - Healing Sound Bath (intro on GRIEF) Crystal Singing Bowls

Grief is one of the most painful of human experiences. We hope this help give your nervous system a little break while you are grieving. This won't make everything better but it will take care of your body and brain so you can continue on breathing and healing. DO NOT LISTEN WITHOUT HEADPHONES - Our brain is a prediction machine and chronic stress, trauma, no exercise, poor diet, and, bad sleep can damage the interoceptive network in your brain. This leads to making false predictions, getting anxious when there's real reason to be anxious. The interoceptive can get back on track if we take care of ourselves and practice calming our nervous system. Know that YOU DO have control over your nervous system. Put on your headphones and listen. Let the bowls soothe you and experience a deep calm. Try doing this for even just a few minutes a day. Close your eyes, sit back, or lay down, and practice being calm. Don't underestimate the power of just a few minutes. Instead of scrolling on your phone between meetings, close your eyes and listen to this. Lay down if you like, cover yourself with a blanket and finally rest deeply. This sound bath will help you if: -if you can't sleep -if you are anxious -if you are stressed -if you are spinning in negative thoughts -if you feel sick Put on your headphones, lay down, cover yourself with a blanket and finally rest deeply. Singing bowls have been used since at least 560 B.C. to help aid in meditation. When played these instruments produce a rich blend of harmonic overtones that are deeply compelling and help bring about deep relaxation. People often report having transformational realizations and feeling cleansed and renewed as a result of this type of meditation experience. More sound bath videos available here: www.therebelhuman.com/sound-healing https://www.therebelhuman.com/soundbath There are several elements to the sound of singing bowls that make them incredibly suited for meditation and sound healing purposes. Unique is the presence of what are called vocal formants. Understanding what formants are is as simple as singing vowels such as ‘ahh’ or ‘oooh.’ Formants are the elements of sound that makes vowels sound like they do. The bowl or bell shape gives the sound similar characteristics to the human voice. This quality is why they are known as singing bowls. The use of both bells and choirs is a well-known part of many religious and spiritual ceremonies. Studies have also shown that the human mind reacts positively to the sound of singing. One need only picture a mother calming a child with the sound of her voice, or a yogi chanting OM to understand how deeply we react to vowel sounds and singing. The sound is natural, more complex, and more pleasant to listen to. Importantly: when two bowls are used, the process of entrainment occurs naturally between the two as they feed back between each other and cause each other to resonate towards a state of equilibrium. Rebel Human is one of very few distributors in the world of Crystal Tones bowls. These singing bowls are made of the finest pure quartz (99.992%) and fused with rare minerals, gemstones, and metals using a patented technology. https://www.therebelhuman.com https://www.therebelhuman.com/corpora... https://www.therebelhuman.com/sound-h...   / therebelhuman   ​ The addition of metals or gemstones to the crystal singing bowls adds another dimension to the sound, by dampening or filtering the pure crystal sound. Especially in the case of metals such as gold or platinum, they also add the resonant characteristics of these materials. Consider how a classical composer might use the softer sound of a violin or cello to evoke feelings of nostalgia, or she may employ the more metallic sound of brass instruments to give more energy to the music. The alchemy elements subtly alter the sound for a similar range of effects. ​Each of these elements on their own has beneficial effects to human psychology and you can learn to take advantage of all of these elements. Through practice you can learn to emphasize or deemphasize any of the tones that the bowls are able to make. This means that by means of biofeedback, or reacting to how you (or those around you) feel, you can tailor the experience of playing the singing bowls. This is just the Sound Bath portion of the event and does not include the introduction or preparatory breath work practice (See Sound Bath + Intro & Breathwork for full event). If you skip the breathwork portion you may not be able to feel the effects of the sound bath as quickly. Pranayama (breath practices) work to calm the nervous system quickly. Think of it as setting the stage, clearing the way, so the bowls can do their work without obstruction of a busy mind, or fidgety body. But, the Sound Bath only portion is great to listen to before bed.