Home Guard New Vacancy ପୁଣି ଗୋଟେ ଜିଲ୍ଲା ରେ ନିଯୁକ୍ତି|| Home Guard New Requirment 2025||#odisha #op

Home Guard New Vacancy ପୁଣି ଗୋଟେ ଜିଲ୍ଲା ରେ ନିଯୁକ୍ତି|| Home Guard New Requirment 2025||#odisha #op

Home Guard New Vacancy ପୁଣି ଗୋଟେ ଜିଲ୍ଲା ରେ ନିଯୁକ୍ତି|| Home Guard New Requirment 2025||#odisha|#op #odishapolice #odisha#homeguard ODISHA POLICE ନିଯୁକ୍ତି || IRB\OSAP ନିଯୁକ୍ତି 2024|| Total post 1360|| #odishapolice #odisha #irb #op ODISHA police ODISHA police full details Odisha police New Vacancy IRB OSAP #odishapolice #irb #osap #cbt #homeguard Odisha Police State Selection Board (OPSSB) has released a short notification regarding OSAP IRB Constable Recruitment 2024. A total of 1360 Constable/Sepoy vacancies will be filled in various battalions such as OSAP, IR, SIR, SS Battalions. The detailed Odisha Police OSAP IRB Constable Notification will be released on September 23, 2024. OSAP IRB Constable 2024 Short Notification has been released by OPSSB on September 14 announcing 1360 vacancies for Constable/Sepoy posts for different Battalions across the state of Odisha. The detailed notification for the recruitment will be published on 23rd September 2024 at www.odishapolice.gov.in. Male candidates should have passed the matriculation (Class 10) examination or its equivalent from a recognized Board or Institute as on or before the cut-off date to be eligible to apply for the Odisha Police Constable Recruitment 2024. *Organization: Odisha Police *Conducting Body: Odisha Police State Selection Board (OPSSB) *Post Name: Constable/Sepoy *Vacancies: 1360 *Category: Odisha Police Jobs *Mode of Application: Online *Online Registration Date: To be announced *Selection Process: Written Exam, PST, PET, Certificate Verification, Medical Test *Odisha Police Official Website: www.oodishapolice.gov.in *OPSSB Official Website: www.opssb.nic.in / www.odishapolice.gov.in IRB OSAP Odisha police privacy year qostion Odisha police math class Odisha police odia class IRB math class OSAP math class odia grammar class Odisha GK IRB gk IRB English OSAP English Class #odishapolice #irb #osap #osssc #ossc #odisha #ri #ari #amina #sfs #odisha #odishapolice #odishairb #odishaOSAp #Odishapolicemathclass #patanyakeducdion #chinmaysir #laxmidharasir #odiaspace #shots #CBT #cbt #cbtexam#howtocbtexam #RI #ri #Ari #amina #sfs #osssc #ossc #ri#Ari#Amina#forester#li#army #patanyakeducation#odiaspace #odishapolice #odishagk#army #gk #raviaditiclasses #rwa #adda247 Osssc forest guard runing osssc forest guard result 2024 osssc Forester osssc RI ARI Amina osssc Forester forest guard physical osssc 25km runing 25 km runing video odisha police odisha trafic police odia song odia movie ossc ssc army recruitment army recruitment result 2024 aginiver running How to practice to 25km running How to practice 25 walking How to practice 5KM runing Kanak new otv bhaskara news