12 Govt Universities which Give Admission to Students with Low Marks i.e. 70% or Below ::

12 Govt Universities which Give Admission to Students with Low Marks i.e. 70% or Below ::

There are thousands of students who get below average marks in intermediate every year. These students find it very hard to get admission in major govt sector universities of Pakistan. After thorough research, here is the list of govt universities which give admission to students with low marks i.e. 60%, 50% and 45% marks in intermediate. Last year closing merits have also been shared in order to make the students better understand the scenario. University of Okara Closing Merits: https://admissions.uo.edu.pk/login/fe... Top Universities for Low Marks Students Low Merit Universities in Pakistan Admission in Government Universities How to Get Admission in Government Universities How to Get Admission in Top Universities Universities Admission in 900 Marks Low Merit Government Universities Government Admission with 900 Marks Best Universities Foe Low Marks BS Admissions with Low Marks How Much Marks Needed for Govt College Admission Govt University Admission with Less Marks By M. Zahid Iqbal (PakEduCareer) #LowMarksUniversities #Admissionwithlowmarks #GovtUniversityAdmission __________________________________________ Join TopGrade.PK for Online Entry Test Preparation. [ MDCAT, NUMS, ECAT, NUST, AKU, FAST, PIEAS, NAT, GIKI, ETEA, NED, HAT, GAT ] Use Promo Code PAKEDU & Get 10% Discount. Link: https://www.topgrade.pk/signup/?utm_s... __________________________________________ Study in China [MBBS, BDS, Pharmacy, Diploma, Bachelor's, Master & PhD Programs] Full Scholarships also available. Contact with Dar-Ul-Sakafat International College Call or WhatsApp: 0317-5555595 Facebook:   / darulsakafatinternationalcollege   __________________________________________ Join PakEduCareer Professional WhatsApp Group to get all educational news and information on daily basis which includes: ✨ Universities/Medical Colleges Admission Notifications with detail ✨ All Entry Tests (MDCAT, NUMS, ECAT, NET, USAT etc) ✨ National & International Scholarships ✨ Army/Navy/Air Force Joining Programs ✨ Board Exams, Admissions & Result + Improvement ✨ Merit Lists, Schedule, Statistics ✨ All Educational News, Announcements & Notifications Now you can join the Professional WhatsApp Group ♦️ For 3 Months in Just Rs. 200/ ♦️ For 6 Months in Just Rs. 300/ ♦️ For 1 Year in Just Rs. 500/ Send the amount in any of the following Accounts, and WhatsApp your name, mobile number and screenshot of payment at 0321-7937385. ◾ Easypaisa Account 0321-7937385 (Zahid Iqbal) ◾ JazzCash Till ID Number 00292956 (PakEduCareer) - (i) Select Scan QR option at the bottom of JazzCash App and enter Till ID. (ii) or Dial *786*10# and enter Till ID 00292956. ◾ Meezan Bank Account 04100104980593 (M. Akbar) ◾ IBAN No. for Out of Country Transaction PK27MEZN0004100104980593 ------ Join our Free WhatsApp Trial Group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/Kua6w8k4G0C... __________________________________________