डायबिटिक किडनी ! अभी से करें ये उपाय ।How to prevent kidney disease in diabetes?

डायबिटिक किडनी ! अभी से करें ये उपाय ।How to prevent kidney disease in diabetes?

How to prevent Kidney disease in diabetes?How to protect kidney in diabetes Diagnosis and Prevention of Diabetic Kidney Disease Diagnosis of Diabetic Kidney Disease DKD, also known as diabetic nephropathy, is a serious complication of diabetes that affects the kidneys. It is diagnosed through: 1. Blood Tests (Serum Creatinine & eGFR) • Measures kidney function by assessing the estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR). • eGFR less then 60 mL/min/1.73m² for more than three months indicates kidney damage. 2. Urine Albumin-to-Creatinine Ratio - ACR • Detects microalbuminuria (early-stage kidney damage) or proteinuria (advanced stage). 3.High blood pressure is both a cause and a symptom of kidney disease. 5. Kidney Biopsy (Rare Cases) • Used if other kidney diseases are suspected beyond diabetes-related damage Prevention of Diabetic Kidney Disease To prevent or slow the progression of DKD, focus on blood sugar control, blood pressure management, and a kidney-friendly lifestyle to prevent obesity 1. Control Blood Sugar Levels • Maintain HbA1c less then7% (as per medical guidelines). • Regular glucose monitoring and medication adherence (e.g., metformin, SGLT2 inhibitors, GLP-1 receptor agonists). 2. Manage Blood Pressure • Keep BP less then135 systolic 85 diastolic using lifestyle changes and medications (ACE inhibitors or ARBs). 3. Healthy Diet (Kidney-Friendly & Diabetes-Friendly) • Reduce salt, processed foods, and high-protein intake to ease kidney strain. • Focus on whole grains, vegetables, healthy fats (olive oil, nuts), and lean proteins. • Limit potassium & phosphorus-rich foods if kidney function is declining. 4. Stay Hydrated • Drink enough water to support kidney function, unless advised otherwise by a doctor. 5. Exercise Regularly • Aim for 30 minutes of moderate exercise (e.g., walking, cycling) most days. 6. Quit Smoking & Limit Alcohol • Smoking worsens kidney damage, and alcohol can increase blood sugar and BP. 7. Avoid Nephrotoxic Drugs • Limit NSAIDS and unnecessary supplements. 8. Regular Checkups • Annual kidney function and urine tests for early detection. By following these steps, DKD can be prevented or significantly slowed down, preserving kidney health for years. Would you like me to tailor this advice based on a specific health concern or stage of diabetes? Query solved How to protect kidneys in diabetes? What are the sign of diabetic kidney disease ? How to keep your kidney healthy ? Is diabetic kidney damage reversible? What are the symptoms of kidney failure due to diabetes? Diabetic kidney disease treatment Diabetic kidney disease life expectancy ? Diabetic kidney disease stages ? How to reverse kidney damage from diabetes? How can I improve kidney function naturally ? How to improve kidney function to avoid avoid dialysis? How long does it take for diabetes to cause kidney damage ? What are the first sign of diabetic nephropathy ? Type 2 diabetes chronic ?kidney disease treatment? किडनी खराब होने के लक्षण ? शुगर को जड़ से खत्म करने के लिए क्या खाना चाहिए ? शुगर से किडनी मै परेशानी ? किडनी के रोगियों के लिए रामबाण प्रयोग? क्या किडनी ठीक हो सकती है ? किडनी के बीमारी के 10 संकेत दोनों किडनी खराब होने पर आदमी ?कितना जिंदा रह सकता है ? किडनी खराब होने के शुरुआती लक्षण? किडनी खराब होने पर क्या खाएं Join us at:     Facebook:-   / kidneydoctorbhandari   Instagram:-   / kidneydoctorbhandari   Website:- http://www.hsbhandari Disclaimer: This channel is intended for educational purposes only. It aims to encourage awareness about kidney diseases in the general population. Every person is unique, and therefore their requirements and treatment is also unique kindly follow the advice of your trusted doctor for individualized treatment. Thanks and wish good health forall