THE DIVISION 2 Gameplay Walkthrough Part 15 No Commentary PC - 1080p 60fps Ultra Settings

THE DIVISION 2 Gameplay Walkthrough Part 15 No Commentary PC - 1080p 60fps Ultra Settings

The Division 2 Walkthrough Part 15 includes gameplay from of the game. If you enjoy this video remember to leave a Like/Comment and Subscribe to my channel. 👍 Thanks for watching! 🔽🔽🔽 The Division 2 Gameplay Walkthrough series shows all main missions, cutscenes and endings of the full story. This The Division 2 Gameplay is recorded as a blind playthrough on PC in 1080p 60fps Full HD and Ultra Settings with no commentary. Also check out other parts below for the full game walkthrough. 🔹 Next Part: 🔹 Previous Part: 🔹 Playlist: Subscribe to Game Boss and enable notifications to get the latest game trailers, gameplays, walkthroughs and game movies as soon as they are available. 🔔 🔸 Subscribe Now: 🔸 Twitter:   / 2gameboss   🔸 Facebook:   / gameboss2   Tom Clancy's The Division 2 is an open-world online action-rpg game which is played from the third-person perspective. The game is developed by Massive Entertainment and published by Ubisoft. It is the sequel to Tom Clancy's The Division. The game provides vast customization options both for characters and items. It also features an end game specialization that will add another aspect to the game. In The Division 2 you play as an agent in Washington, D.C. You try to survive and take back the country after the apocalypse called Green Poison. You want to reactivate Strategic Homeland Division and rebuild the city by the help of other agents. But you need to fight several factions along the way who occupy the country for their expedience. You must restore the order before it is too late. ESRB: M (17+) / PEGI: 18 / Blood, Drug Reference, Intense Violence, Strong Language. For more information please check ESRB and PEGI websites. #TheDivision2 #Walkthrough #Gameplay #NoCommentary