Unlocking the Hanging Drop Sign  Key Insights!  #medical #science #dentist

Unlocking the Hanging Drop Sign Key Insights! #medical #science #dentist

The *Hanging Drop Sign* is a radiological sign seen in certain medical conditions. It refers to the appearance of a *fluid droplet* hanging from a surface due to surface tension and is commonly associated with: *1. Pneumoperitoneum (Free Air in the Peritoneal Cavity)* Seen on **lateral decubitus abdominal X-ray or CT scan**. Free air collects between the **abdominal wall and viscera**, forming a hanging droplet appearance. Indicative of *perforated hollow viscus* (e.g., perforated peptic ulcer, bowel perforation). *2. Tuberculous Meningitis (TBM) – Hanging Drop Method* In laboratory diagnosis, the *hanging drop method* is used to examine cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) under a microscope. Helps detect *Mycobacterium tuberculosis* in TB meningitis. *3. Joint Effusion in Radiology* In knee or shoulder X-rays, a *fluid droplet appearance in joint spaces* suggests **joint effusion**. #### *Clinical Features Depend on the Underlying Condition* *Pneumoperitoneum* → Severe abdominal pain, rigidity, distension, nausea, vomiting. *Tuberculous Meningitis* → Fever, headache, neck stiffness, altered mental status. *Joint Effusion* → Swelling, pain, restricted joint movement. Would you like more details on a specific condition?