The Guilt No One Talks About After Moving Abroad | And What Loneliness Abroad Teaches us

The Guilt No One Talks About After Moving Abroad | And What Loneliness Abroad Teaches us

I moved from Uganda to South Africa at the age of 17. It's been almost 23 years living in over 93 Countries and I am now well aware that this mixed feeling of always missing something will never go away. So I featured 18 Other YouTubers and People and interviewed them about their living abroad experience. GREAT THANKS TO All THESE FEATURED YOUTUBERS…. KINDLY GO FOLLOW , SUBSCRIBE AND WATCH THEIR STORIES!! Features:    • The guilt no one talks about after mo...      • What Nobody Tells You About Living Ab...      • What Loneliness Abroad Teaches Us      • Living Abroad is Hard (what I've lear...      • The Guilt of Leaving America: What No...      • LIVING ALONE IN THAILAND | GET TO KNO...      • What no one tells you about living ab...      • Moving Abroad Alone in Your 30s | Wha...   Music I Use: License code: H4CDEOWQ4CYQQULM Dawn of Change song Royalty Free Music: License code: QIXQC39HBYJAG3AU #MovingAbroad #LivingAbroad #ExpatLife #ExpatExperiences #LifeOverseas #ExpatGuilt #Homesickness