05-28-2023 Community Worship: Pausing at the Edge of Summer

05-28-2023 Community Worship: Pausing at the Edge of Summer

“Pausing at the Edge of Summer” Rev. Leia Durland-Jones & Tori Goodloe Link to view on website: https://uucharlottesville.org/sermons... Link to stream Sunday 11:00 AM Services: https://zoom.us/j/95025058534 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ORDER OF SERVICE Prelude: offered by John Mayhood Welcome: Tori Goodloe Call To Worship: Rev. Leia Durland-Jones Chalice Lighting​​​ Opening Hymn: #163 For the Earth Forever Turning​​​ Honoring Memorial Day Hymn​​​​​: #159 This is My Song Centering and Sharing Meditation Hymn​​​: #1009 Meditation on Breathing Offertory: offered by John Mayhood ​​ Reading: “When We Get Quiet Enough” by Alexa Torontow Hymn: ​​​​​#324 Where My Free Spirit Onward Leads Sermon: “Pausing at the Edge of Summer” Closing Hymn: ​​​#66 When the Summer Sun is Shining​ ​​ Benediction and Chalice Extinguishing​​​ Postlude: offered by John Mayhood -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Find us online: Website: https://uucharlottesville.org Facebook: UUCCharlottesville Instagram: uucharlottesville Twitter: uucville