Air pollution | Ways to cleanse lungs | Get rid of Asthma & Lung cancer | Techniques of breathing

Air pollution | Ways to cleanse lungs | Get rid of Asthma & Lung cancer | Techniques of breathing

Air pollution can take a toll on your respiratory system, but there are natural ways to cleanse and protect your lungs. In this video, we introduce effective techniques and practices to clear your respiratory system of toxins and pollutants. From breathing exercises to herbal remedies, learn how to keep your lungs healthy and functioning optimally despite environmental challenges. Watch now to discover these vital cleansing methods. #RespiratoryHealth #Pollution #LungCleansing #BreatheEasy #AirQuality" 00:00 How pollution affects the Lungs? 02:10 Diaphragmatic Breathing 02:58 Brahmari Pranayama 04:12 Kapalbhati 04:33 Jalneti 06:13 Anuloma Viloma 07:50 Holistic tips Visit our website at: Download our New Meditation App - Nispand: Play Store: App Store: Sign up for our : 21 Days BLC - Evening - Online & On Campus – English Register for our : 900 hrs TTC-3 Months TTC On Campus - English Watch our video on "" by clicking the link below:    / .  . Subscribe to our channels to stay updated:    / theyogainstitutehindi      / @theyogainstituteshorts1313      / nispandmeditationapp      / theyogainstituteofficial     / hansajiyogendra     / theyogainstituteofficial     / theyogainstituteofficial     / theyogainstituteofficial     / tyi_official #DrHansaji #TheYogaInstitute Disclaimer: The information presented here is intended solely for educational purposes. Techniques and advice may vary based on individual contraindications. It is essential that yogic practices be performed under the supervision of a qualified yoga instructor. For severe health conditions, we would like to recommend you to join our The Yoga Institute's free yoga OPD samattvam for proper diagnosis and personalized solutions. Contact us on - +912226110506 Email id - [email protected]