Why should you absolutely avoid BHA and BHT in your food?

Why should you absolutely avoid BHA and BHT in your food?

The preservative BHA (butylated hydroxyanisole), and it’s cousin BHT (butylated hydroxytoluene) are added to cereals, chewing gum, baked goods, butter, potato chips, and many more to prevent fats from oxidizing. The problem is that the FDA considers them ‘safe’ while the NIH recognizes them as a possible human carcinogen. California lists BHA as a carcinogen on prop 65. I am avoiding any product that lists BHA or BHT as an ingredient. A reasonable and in my opinion safe alternative for BHA and BHT is vitamin E. It is an antioxidant as well, but unlike BHA and BHT useful and good for us in small amounts. Now Europe, Japan, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand have banned BHA and BHT, recognizing that they are linked to cancer, hormone disruption, and impaired blood clotting. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/arti... https://www.livescience.com/36424-foo... #PreservativeDHA #ButylatedHydroxyanisole #BHT #ButylatedHydroxytoluene #FoodPreservatives #FatsOxidation #FDAApproved? #NIHResearch #PossibleCarcinogen #CaliforniaProp65 #HealthyChoices #BHAandBHTFree #AntioxidantVitaminE #SafeFoodAlternatives #BannedInEurope #BannedInJapan #BannedInCanada #BannedInAustralia #BannedInNewZealand #HealthAwareness #FoodSafety #CancerLink #HormoneDisruption #BloodClottingImpairment #AvoidBHAandBHT #FoodHealthFacts