THE BEST CHICKEN WATERING SYSTEM EVER! Never frozen, never empty, never dirty and no waste.

THE BEST CHICKEN WATERING SYSTEM EVER! Never frozen, never empty, never dirty and no waste.

In this video we introduce the best chicken watering system ever! It never freezes, it's always clean and we don't waste water anymore! We are beyond excited about this one. Again, inspired by Justin Rhodes (thanks Justin); this thing is amazing! Enjoy and thanks for watching! Things in this video (affiliate): Pond Pump (great deal, but any cheap pump will work) - A little about us: In September 2015, our hearts were hijacked with the dream of living on a large farm, with community, growing food, caring for animals and loving on children in need of care and healing. It was a God moment, where our dreams collided with His dreams… a dream so big we could never do it in our own strength and wisdom. Since then, we have been on a journey to see that dream become a reality. This channel documents that journey. Instagram -   / goshenfarmandgardens   Facebook -   / goshenfarmandgardens   Website - All music licensed from Artlist: