Bioshock 2 - Minerva's Den DLC - Episode 7 | Hard Difficulty No Vita Chamber | #bioshock2 #live

Bioshock 2 - Minerva's Den DLC - Episode 7 | Hard Difficulty No Vita Chamber | #bioshock2 #live

Bioshock 2 Remastered 2016 for Xbox One, This is being played on the hardest difficulty, no cheats or exploits. I will be rescuing all the little sisters and finding all the power to the people locations (weapon upgrades).    • Bioshock The Collection   #bioshock2 #bioshock2remastered #rapture #bioshock #andrewryan #frankfontaine #sofialamb #splicer #bigdaddy #littlesister #fps #horrorgaming #1960s #retrogaming #artdeco