ROCK AROUND THE CLOCK Line Dance (Beginner)  Tutorial  l락어라운드더클락 라인댄스 I Linedance

ROCK AROUND THE CLOCK Line Dance (Beginner) Tutorial l락어라운드더클락 라인댄스 I Linedance

ROCK AROUND THE CLOCK Line Dance (Beginner) Demo l락어라운드더클락 라인댄스 I Linedance Count: 48 Wall: 4 Level: Beginner Choreographer: Tony Chapman Music: Rock Around The Clock by Bill Haley & The Comets SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube here↓ Any tips given go towards supporting my line dance career Thanks guys ♥ 라인댄스 지도자 자격증과정 안내: 매주 토요일 오전 10시 00분 ~ 13시 00분 (사) 라인댄스퀸코리아협회 (본원: 양재역) Line Dance Queen Korea Association Website: (사) 라인댄스퀸코리아협회 홈페이지 다음 카페: 라인댄스퀸코리아 네이버 블로그: ★라인댄스퀸이 입은 의상은 이제 퀸룩에서 구매하실수있습니다 The costumes worn by the Linedancequeen can be purchased from QueenLook ▒ Costume Inquiry ▒ Junghye Yoon(+82 10 9445 9677) (NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED, I DO NOT OWN THE RIGHTS OF THE MUSIC This video is solely for educational and entertainment purposes only) #RockAroundTheClock #Linedancequeen #라인댄스퀸