Fastest Relic Holders (No Hit, WR) | Black Myth Wukong
This strategy relies on maximizing crit chance and damage, and using Pluck of Many or Evanescence (Immobilize skill) to one/two-shot bosses with Thunder Strike (heavy attack in Cloud Step), after gaining focus and buffing with medicines and drinks. Evanescence may be hard to hit at first but it's actually "easy": think about it as a perfect dodge, but instead of dodging cast Immobilize. Notes in the comments. 0:00 Black Bear Guai Ginseng Pellets, Amplification Pellets Cloud Step Drink x6 (walk back to your decoy or you'll be too far to attack, it's ok if you get hit) Essence Decoction Heavy attack Enhanced Ginseng Pellets Heavy attack Light attacks or spins, if needed (if he falls you must wait for him to stand up to finish him, and by spinning you maximize hits per second) 1:09 Yellow Wind Sage Do a few steps forward and then Cloud Step (to "direct" his attacks such that it will be easy to hit Evanescence) Ginseng Pellets, Amplification Pellets Drink x2 Enhanced Tiger Subduing Pellets Immobilize (with Evanescence) on his last attack (the closer you are to him, the better) Essence Decoction, if needed (if you two-shotted Black Bear) Heavy attack Light attack with finisher Heavy attack Light attacks or spins (like Black Bear, you must wait for him to stand up) 2:13 Yellowbrow Cloud Step Ginseng Pellets Drink x2 Amplification Pellets, Tiger Subduing Pellets Heavy attack Light attacks with finisher Dodge back (it's ok if his scream stuns you) Essence Decoction Heavy attack Light attacks, if needed 3:21 Hundred-Eyed Daoist Master Ginseng Pellets Cloud Step Amplification Pellets, Essence Decoction Drink x2 Pluck of Many Tiger Subduing Pellets Immobilize Heavy attack FROM THE SIDE/BACK (it's easier to hit his legs this way) Septenary Heartfire Pill (for next round) Light attacks or spins (like Black Bear, you must wait for him to stand up) 4:26 Yaksha King Enhanced Tiger Subduing Pellets, Amplification Pellets while you walk towards him Dodge his first attack with Cloud Step Drink x2 (his second attack will hit the decoy) Essence Decoction (his third attack will hit the decoy as well) Dodge his fourth TO THE RIGHT (I could NEVER hit Evanescence if I dodged to the left) Immobilize (with Evanescence) on his fifth attack Heavy attack Light attacks 5:19 Erlang Shen Cloud Step Ginseng Pellets (note that their effect will NOT carry over to the second phase, unlike stats buffs), Loong Aura Amplification Pellets, Enhanced Tiger Subduing Pellets (they stack with Loong Pellets, unlike Amplification Pellets) Drink ONCE Amplification Pellets for focus Heavy attack Roll to close the distance, if needed Light attacks with finisher Skip cutscene Ginseng Pellets, Essence Decoction Dodge his first attack to the right, then immediately dodge to the left Cloud Step (if you cast it before his first attack, your decoy will be immediately destroyed and you'll be attacked even in mist form) Pluck of Many Drink Body-Cooling Powder for focus Heavy attack Light attacks with finisher (dodge or see through, if needed) Dodge back and heavy THRUST attack, if needed 6:21 Time and Build Dark Iron Staff, Weaver's Needle, Turtle Treasure Monastic Insect Hat, Venomous Sting Insect Armor, Ochre Armguard, Ebongold Gaiters Gold Button, Auspicious Lantern, Beast Buddha x3 Multi-Glazed Gourd Loong Balm with Breath of Fire, Turtle Tear, Steel Ginseng, Tiger Relic Quick items: Essence Decoction, Enhanced Tiger Subduing Pellets, Amplification Pellets, Ginseng Pellets