[4K HDR] Beautiful Seoullo bridge Night Walk In Seoul Virtual Tour Korea 봄의 시작 아름다운 서울로 다리 밤산책 랜선여행
안녕하세요 여러분, 서울워커 입니다 🤓🚶🏻🐈 오늘은 서울로7017 다리의 밤을 저와 함께 걸어봅시다 해가 질 무렵 우리는 서울 시청앞 서울광장에서 출발하여 북창동 먹자골목을 지나, 숭례문 앞으로 향합니다 이후 서울로7017 다리를 건너 만리동 광장에 도착합니다 모두들 힘든 어제도 오늘도 수고 많으셨습니다 저와 함께 이 길을 걸으며 하루의 위안이 되길 희망합니다 시청해주시는 모든 분들 정말 감사합니다 일자: 2021년 3월 24일, 오후 6시 40분 날씨: 조금 흐림 🌤 기온: 11℃🌡 아침 7시 당신의 하루를 저의 영상과 함께 시작합시다! 영상이 마음에 드셨다면 다음 영상을 위해 구독과 좋아요, 알림 설정 부탁드립니다 그럼 오늘도 행복한 하루 되세요! Hello my friends, I'm Nathan, Seoul Walker 🤓🚶🏻🐈 Today, let's walk the Seoullo 7017 Bridge together We depart from the Seoul square in front of Seoul City Hall, pass through the Bukchang-dong Food Street, and in front of Sungnyemun After that, we cross the Seoullo Bridge and arrive at the Manri-dong Plaza Filmed: March 24, 2021, 6:40pm (pre-recorded) Weather: Sunny 🌤 Temperature: 11℃ / 51℉ 🌡 ► Join Seoul Walker's Channel Membership! 멤버십 가입 ► Please support me for the next better videos! The video is uploaded at 7am (⏱LA 3pm, Mexico City 5pm, NYC 6pm, São Paulo 7pm, Buenos Aires 7pm, London 11pm / Paris 12am, Roma 12am, Москва́ 1am, New Delhi 4am, Jakarta 5am, HCM 5am, Sydney 8am) in Korea time Seoullo 7017 (Korean: 서울로 7017), also known as the Seoul Skygarden or Skypark, is an elevated, linear park in Seoul, built atop a former highway overpass The path, which is about one kilometer in length and lined with 24,000 plants, is similar to New York City's High Line Skygarden was designed by MVRDV, a Dutch firm, and opened in May 2017 In the future, the park may become an urban nursery, growing trees and plants for replanting elsewhere in the city The path also improves walking times around the city's Central Station The disused overpass closed in 2015 and cuts diagonally across Seoul Station at 17m above street level The '70' in the name comes from the year 1970 when the flyover was dedicated, while the '17' is both the number of walkways connected to it, and the year 2017 The park includes gardens, terraces, and exhibitions, and will "feature over 24,085 plants representing 228 species of trees, shrubs and flowers found in and outside Korea The Skypark begins at Malli-dong and continues northeast past Seoul Station, ending 1,024 meters later near Namdemun at Hoehyeon Station The park is visible from Seoul Station but the nearest stairway is across the street from the front of the station, or subway exit 1 of the Seoul Metro ► Google Maps: ► Naver Maps: ► Instagram: ► Contact(Business only): exploringthestreet@gmail com Seoulwalker, Seoulwalk, ASMR, sleep asmr, stress relief, relaxing sounds, seoul street, POV, street photography, filmlook, 35mm, street photography pov, gopro8, street camera, street photographer, vlog, 3D sounds, Binaural Sound, travel guide, peaceful, wave sounds, ambience sounds, walkingtour, southkorea, seoul, 집중력 향상, 빗소리, 비내리는 소리, 우중산책, 수면음악, 힐링, 백색소음, 서울워커, HDR, HDR4K, 4KHDR, HDRvideos, HDRcityviews #4kHDR #HDRkorea #Seoul