Testing out CRAZY Japanese Beauty Products

Testing out CRAZY Japanese Beauty Products

I Tried and Tested Crazy and Weird Japanese Beauty Products and Gadgets from the store Donki! Do they work or do they fail? Watch to find out! Thank you to Haptic for helping me Follow him:   / haptic404   BECOME A CHANNEL MEMBER ❤️    / @torierobot   ❤️ SHOP MY MERCH ❤️ Link...► https://teespring.com/stores/victoria... IROIRO Hair dye discount code: VXR: https://iroirocolors.leaddyno.com/p/b... Spoken Word Youtube channel:    / @victoriarose4290   SUBSCRIBE......................► ⭐ https://goo.gl/fAkxnT ⭐ SUPPORT MY CHANNEL Patreon.............................► https://goo.gl/2F2dWR PayPal.............................................►https://goo.gl/RHKNoa Amazon Wishlist......................................► https://amzn.to/2POaC44 FOLLOW ME ON Facebook..........................►https://goo.gl/58QjWb Instagram........................................► https://goo.gl/ma8n3v Twitter............................................................► https://goo.gl/hFHPcv #japanesebeauty #travelingjapan #wtf