100 most popular English Idioms with meanings #idioms #englishidioms #importantenglishidioms

100 most popular English Idioms with meanings #idioms #englishidioms #importantenglishidioms

💯 most important English vocabulary words with Urdu meanings for English students, fpsc, ppsc, kppsc spsc, BPSC, NTS and PTS candidates. These important English vocabularies with Urdu meanings are helpful for the students of English and for Aspirants of CSS PMS kppsc SPSC NTS, ppsc and for Aspirants of GRE and ILETS. These are very much significant and important English Vocabulary words taken from Dawn newspaper and explain in a well manner and is very much expected that these words will be repeated in the upcoming CS is PMS English prices and composition paper. These vocabulary are helpful to attempt the English portion of Federal public service commission examination of BPS 17. these synonym likely to be repeated in the NTS PPSC KPPSC test most important idioms for CSS PMS kppsc PPSC NTS Fpsc and GRE candidates.it will help in reading quality materials in English. These important English idioms are helpful for the students of English and for Aspirants of TEHSILDAR CSS PMS kppsc SPSC NTS, ppsc and for Aspirants of GRE and ILETS. English trick. CSS English trick. vocabulary in English. vocabulary trick to learn. vocabulary trick for SSC. #cssenglishidiomspastpapers #cssenglishidioms #cglidioms #englishidioms #Howtolearnidioms #howtolearnEnglishidioms #idiomsforstudents #idiomsforCSSPMScandidates #bestvideotolearnEnglishidioms #HowtolearnEnglishidioms #englishidiomsforstudents #englishpreciseandcompositionidioms #mostrepeatedenglishidioms #howtopassEnglishportionofthetest English idioms for the exam of TEHSILDAR, Naib tahsildar, CSS PMS KPPSC PPSC NTS SPSC FPSC and English precise and composition paper.Most important English idioms for candidates of jobs tests and students. 💯 dioms of English. Day to day idioms. For CSS PMS kppsc PPSC NTS Fpsc and GRE candidates.it will help in reading quality materials in English. For CSS PMS kppsc PPSC NTS Fpsc and GRE candidates.it will help you in reading Dawn newspaper. These important English vocabularies with Urdu meanings are helpful for the students of English and for Aspirants of CSS PMS kppsc SPSC NTS, ppsc and for Aspirants of GRE and ILETS. These important English idioms are helpful for the students of English and for Aspirants of TEHSILDAR CSS PMS kppsc SPSC NTS, ppsc and for Aspirants of GRE For CSS PMS kppsc PPSC NTS Fpsc and GRE candidates.it will help you in reading Dawn newspaper. These important English vocabularies with Urdu meanings are helpful for the students of English and for Aspirants of CSS PMS kppsc SPSC NTS, ppsc and for Aspirants of GRE and ILETS. All candidate who are preparing for any competitive examination can benefit from this video lecture. Materials collected for this video is is taken from various past paper of CSS, PMS and Federal public Service commission examination. I assured all those candidates who will listen my these lecture well obviously pass in every type of jobs examination. All those candidate who are preparing for educator jobs through NTS can watch my video and it will be knowledge hub is the best YouTube channel for all hose students in candidate who are preparing for governmennewspape employees dear knowledge and to increase their English ok bloody and to learn English grammar. in description I have given the link of few of my more videos so you can watch this videos and can listen to more valueable lectures while visiting my channel. This video is very helpful for PMS Aspirants and also beneficial for CCS aspirants. These important English vocabularies with Urdu meanings are helpful for the students of English and for Aspirants of CSS PMS kppsc SPSC NTS, ppsc and for Aspirants of GRE and ILETS. English trick. CSS English trick. vocabulary in English. vocabulary trick to learn. vocabulary trick for SSC. cgl English trick. for more videos click on the following links. 1. 100 most important idioms.    • 100 most important and very common id...   2. CSS solved synonyms.    • CSS solved synonyms from past papers ...   3. CSS and PMS Synonyms from past papers.    • CSS and PMS synonyms from past papers...   1.    • Video   2.    • CSS SOLVED SYNONYMS AND ANTONYMS FROM...   3.    • Video   4.    • Most important English Vocabulary for...   5.    • Dawn newspaper English words with Urd...