In the Gospel, Sorrow Becomes Joy | John 16:16-22 - Pastor Jeff Rich
Pastor Jeff, on this Sanctity of Life Sunday, shows us how childbirth teaches us that your sorrow can be turned into joy in the gospel. Today's Scripture: https://bit.ly/4jp7FVm AN IMPORTANT NOTE: Thank you for watching the live stream. While this live stream is supplemental to your belonging and attending (in-person and regularly) a gospel preaching church, we hope the live stream helps you follow Jesus. If you are having difficulty finding a local church, please contact one of the pastors using the links below, and someone will be glad to help you find a Bible-Based church. ====== We are a family community of Bible believing Christ followers living out the biblical one-anothers: encouraging, comforting, praying, supporting, loving, and caring. Our local church community encompasses a diverse group of believers. We hold to the inspired and infallible word of God that is profitable for teaching, reproof, correction, training in righteousness; so that every believer may be adequate, equipped for every good work (2 Timothy 3 verses 16-17). Website: https://www.gracelakeville.org About us: https://www.gracelakeville.org/about-us Past sermons: https://www.gracelakeville.org/sermon... Donate: https://www.gracelakeville.org/give Chapters 0:00 Welcome - Pastor Jim Wentzlaff 9:57 Song - Great Things 13:42 Song - Tis so Sweet to Trust in Jesus 16:26 Song - There is Power in the Blood 19:19 Scripture Reading - John 16.1-24 23:13 Offering 25:43 Song - My Jesus I Love Thee 29:12 Song - How Deep the Father's Love for Us 33:30 In the Gospel, Sorrow Becomes Joy - Pastor Jeff Rich 1:31:59 Song - Come People of the Risen King 1:35:43 Announcements and Dismissal - Pastor Jeff Rich