LIVE: 12NN MASS | 22 October 2023| Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
#BawatDebotoBisita #AntipoloCathedral #BirhenNgAntipolo #BuenViaje400
LIVE: Friday of the Twenty-ninth Week in Ordinary Time | October 25, 2024 | 12NN MASS
LIVE: Monday of the Twenty-ninth Week in Ordinary Time | October 21, 2024 | 12NN MASS
LIVE: Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time | October 20, 2024 | 12NN MASS
LIVE: 6PM MASS | 29 October 2023 | Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
LIVE: 12NN MASS | 27 October 2023| Friday of the Twenty-ninth Week in Ordinary Time
LIVE: 12NN MASS | 26 October 2023| Thursday of the Twenty-ninth Week in Ordinary Time
LIVE: 12NN MASS | 24 October 2023| Tuesday of the Twenty-ninth Week in Ordinary Time
LIVE: 12NN MASS | 23 October 2023| Monday of the Twenty-ninth Week in Ordinary Time
LIVE: 12NN MASS | 22 October 2023| Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
LIVE: 10AM MASS | 22 October 2023| Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
LIVE: 6PM MASS | 22 October 2023| Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
LIVE: 6PM MASS | 15 October 2023 | Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
LIVE: 6PM MASS | 08 October 2023| Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
LIVE:12NN MASS | 01 October 2023 | Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
LIVE: Friday of the Twenty-ninth Week in Ordinary Time - 12NN MASS
LIVE: Thursday of the Twenty-ninth Week in Ordinary Time - 12NN MASS
LIVE: Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time - 12NN MASS
LIVE: Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time - 10AM MASS
LIVE: Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time - 5PM MASS
LIVE: Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time - 12NN MASS