'All this can be yours! - Temptation' Sermon for Lent 1; St. Andrew's Chapel Kobe, 6 Mar., 2022

'All this can be yours! - Temptation' Sermon for Lent 1; St. Andrew's Chapel Kobe, 6 Mar., 2022

Sermon for the First Sunday in Lent (Year C), 6 March, 2022 ⛪️At the Chapel of St. Andrew (Anglican/Episcopal), The Mission to Seafarers, Kobe, Japan. 🙏🏻Revd Paul Tolhurst, Chaplain. 📖Readings: First Reading - Deuteronomy 26: 1-11 Second Reading - Romans 10: 8-13 Gospel - Luke 4: 1-13 🎤Many thanks to Migiwa Miyamoto for reading 🎹Music: 'Jesu, lover of my soul' by Charles Wesley (1740), to the tune 'Aberystwyth' by Joseph Parry (1876); instrumental version arranged and performed by Kaleb Brasee [   / kbrasee  ] 📸🌸Scenery: Opening - flowers in Chuo Ward, Kobe; Sermon & Closing - Sumaura Sanjo Park, Suma Ward, Kobe. 📰Today's Bulletin available here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gw8t...