इन 5 गलती के कारण ही बच्चा गर्भ में कम हलचल करता है। Less baby movements in pregnancy। baby kicks।
इन 5 गलती के कारण ही बच्चा गर्भ में कम हलचल करता है। Less baby movements in pregnancy। baby kicks Disclaimer :-Divya Pregnancy help is a channel created to share personal experience with it's audiences,none of the recommendation of this channel are sponsored by any products or company.The information provided on this channel is for general purpose only.We also are not medical professionals so please consult your doctor before taking any medication or trying any remedy suggested in our video.i am not expert on this field and everything shown and expressed in this channel is based on my personal experience.All the content and images on this channel belongs to me and are protected under copyright low.kindly do no copy or reproduce content without my prior explicit permission. This channel DOES NOT promotes or encourages any illegal activities and all content provided by this channel is meant for EDUCATIONAL PURPOSE only. Copyright Disclaimer: - Under section 107 of the copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for FAIR USE for purpose such a as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statues that might otherwise be infringing. Non- Profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of FAIR USE. Follow me:-😍😍 Instagram - 👇👇 https://www.instagram.com/invites/con... FB - / divya.deep.583 you tube Chanel :-@divyababylife CONTACT ME For :--- Collaboration and business ([email protected] ) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- this video you will know why the baby reduces movement in the womb during pregnancy? What mistakes do pregnant women make, due to which the child is not able to move properly in the womb and the development of the child remains low. The child remains weak. your quries 👇👇👇 गर्भ में बच्चा हलचल कम क्यों करता है किन गलतियों के कारण बच्चा गर्भ में हलचल कम करता है गर्भ में बच्चे की हलचल कब से महसूस होती है प्रेगनेंसी में बच्चा कब से हलचल करता है प्रेगनेंसी में बच्चे की हलचल कम महसूस हो तो क्या करें प्रेगनेंसी में बच्चे की हलचल कम होने के क्या कारण होते हैं less baby movements in pregnancy Reduced movement of the baby in the womb What are the reasons for less movement of the baby in the womb? baby kick in womb during pregnancy #babymovement #pregnancy #divyapregnacyhelp