층꽃나무 [Native Plants of Korea. 63] Common bluebeard (English version)
한국어 영상 [층꽃나무] Common bluebeard 높이 30~60cm의 반목 본성 식물로 지상으로 드러난 밑부분은 목질화하여 살아있으나 윗부분이 풀처럼 겨울에 말라죽는다 Common bluebeard is a half-timbered plant with a height of 30-60cm The lower part exposed to the ground is woody and alive, but upper part withers like grass in winter 잎은 마주나기하며 달걀형이고 첨두이며 표면에 털이 있으며 뒷면은 회백색 밀모가 있고 가장자리에 5~10개씩의 톱니가 있으며 잎자루 길이는 5~20mm이다 The leaves are opposite, egg-shaped, pointed, hairy on the surface and gray-white hair are on the back side 5-10 saw teeth are on the edge and the petiole length is 5-20mm 취산꽃차례는 잎겨드랑이에 많이 달리고, 꽃은 남보라색이며 꽃부리는 길이 5~6mm로 겉에 털이 있고, 꽃받침은 종형이고 Axillary inflorescences are developed in the leaf axils and the flowers are blue in color The corolla is 5-6mm long, with hairs on the outside, and the calyx is bell-shaped, 5갈래로 갈라지며 열편은 피침형으로 8월 말~10월 초에 개화한다 강건한 식물이라 재배가 용이하나 너무 비옥한 토양은 피하는 것이 좋고 divided into five branches and the lobes are lanceolate and bloom from the end of August to the beginning of October It sustains in a harsh condition so it is easy to cultivate but also it is better to avoid too fertile soil 척박하고 건조한 조건에서 재배해야 여러 해 볼 수 있다 열매는 꽃받침 속에 들어있으며, 유사종은 흰층꽃나무가 있다 Under hostile conditions, it is more likely to flourish for years Its fruit is included inside of the calyx and Common bluebird is similar to White bluebird 본 영상은 국립수목원 연구기획팀이 직접 자체 제작한 영상이며 본 영상에 대한 저작권은 국립수목원이 가지고 있습니다 This video was produced by the research planning team of the Korea National Arboretum The copyright of this video is owned by the Korea National Arboretum #Korea_National_Arboretum#Korean_Endemic_Plants#Korea_Best_Arboretum#Korea_National_Arboretum#Korean_Endemic_Plants#Korea_Best_Arboretum#Korea_National_Arboretum#Korean_Endemic_Plants#Korea_Best_Arboretum#flower#Korea_Arboretum#Korean_garden#Korean_flower#Nature_of_Korea#Forest_of_Korea#Korean_flowers#Korean_native_flower#韓国庭園#韓国の花#韓国の自然#韓国の森#韓国の湖#韓国最高樹木園#韓国国立樹木園#韩国庭院#朝鲜之花#朝鲜半岛自然#韩国森林#韩国湖泊#韩国最高树木园#韩国国立树木园#수목원#꽃