Sunday Service On 16-3-2025 at 6:30 Am  \\ Releasing from the Burden of Sin \\  *Rev.John Basy Paul.

Sunday Service On 16-3-2025 at 6:30 Am \\ Releasing from the Burden of Sin \\ *Rev.John Basy Paul.

Sunday Service On 16-3-2025 at 6:30 Am \\ Releasing from the Burden of Sin \\ *Rev.John Basy Pau. Theme: Releasing from the Burden of Sin Bible Lessons: (1) Responsive Reading: Psalm 32 (2) 1st Lesson-Old Testament: 2 Samuel 12:1-14 (3) 2nd Lesson-Epistle Lesson: Acts 8:9-25 (4) 3rd Lesson-Gospel Lesson: Mark 2:1-12 1st service, *Telugu, 6.30 a.m.Holy Communion Worship Service*, Speaker: Rev.John Basy Paul 2nd service, Telugu, 9.30 a.m. Holy Communion Worship Service. Speaker: Rev.G.Suresh 3rd service English 6.30 p.m (No Holy Communion) Worship Service Speaker : Rev.John Basy Paul Please read Bible lessons before coming to Church, it will prepare you to receive God's word. Please attend the Sunday Worship service & be blessed.