पालक ना खाने वाले भी रोज़ किलो किलो पालक ख़रीदेंगे पालक की ये सब्ज़ी खाकर Healthy Palak Matar Recipe
पालक ना खाने वाले भी रोज़ किलो किलो पालक ख़रीदेंगे पालक की ये सब्ज़ी खाकर Healthy Palak Matar Recipe #homecookingrecipes #palakmatar #matarpalak #palaksabjirecipe Ingredients 250 gram spinach Gravi ingredients 2 big spoon oil 1/2 tsp cumin seeds 1 pinch Hing 4 to 5 black pepper 1/2 bay leaf 2 medium size chopped onion Tomato paste including ingredients 1 big size chopped tomato 5 to 6 garlic cloves 3 to 4 cashew nuts 2 Inch ginger 1 tsp gram flour 1/2 tsp turmeric powder 1 tsp coriander powder 1/2 Red chilli powder Salt to taste 2 to 3 tap creem 1/2 tsp gram masala 1/2 cup peas Cooked spinach including ingredients 2 to 3 tsp oil 3 to 4 dry red chilli 6 to 7 garlic cloves 1/2 tsp sesame seeds Salt to taste Coriander leaves