Shocking Reasons North Koreans WORSHIP Kim Jong-un as a Living God! You Won't Believe What He Did

Shocking Reasons North Koreans WORSHIP Kim Jong-un as a Living God! You Won't Believe What He Did

Shocking Reasons North Koreans WORSHIP Kim Jong-un as a Living God! You Won't Believe What He Did Welcome to GlobeGo! In today’s travel documentary, we’re diving into the life in North Korea—a world unlike any other. Did you know that Kim Jong-un is not just a leader but worshipped like a living god? From bizarre traditions to jaw-dropping propaganda, the life in North Korea is packed with strange facts and shocking truths. Stick around to discover unbelievable facts about North Korea Kim Jong-un and why millions revere him. This is one travel documentary you won’t forget as we uncover the real life in North Korea! Please Subscribe to Our Channel💪    / @globego88   Key Moments: 00:35 Number 20. A Sacred Bloodline, life in north korea. 01:31 Number 19. No Ordinary Body, facts about north korea kim jong un. 02:19 Number 18. Style, life in north korea. 03:24 Number 17. Celestial Titles, strange facts about north korea. 04:48 Number 16. Inventing the Impossible, life in north korea. 05:48 Number 15. Master of Time, travel documentary. 06:47 Number 14. Child Prodigy Legends, documentaries. 08:03 Number 13. Worldwide Celebrations of Birth. 09:13 Number 12. State-Endorsed Traditions in Every Home. 10:30 Number 11. No Contest. 11:22 Number 10. Unified Mourning in Solidarity. 12:53 Number 9. Fear as a Faith Builder. 14:17 Number 8. Silencing the Unholy Word. 15:52 Number 7. Sacred Rituals. 16:55 Number 6. Reclaiming the Cycle of Life. 18:07 Number 5. Enforcing Order with Authority. 19:29 Number 4. Banning “Unholy” Music and Media. 20:36 Number 3. Controlling Movement Like a Deity. 21:55 Number 2. Challenging Perceptions of Reality. 23:19 Number 1. Defying Natural Limits. 👇 Watch more fascinating videos about cultures and people around the world: 👇 Scientist FEAR What They FOUND HIDDEN in These Mountains! You Won’t Believe Exist!Travel Documentary:    • Scientist FEAR What They FOUND HIDDEN...   MONGOLIA - Where Hosts Have Their Daughters Warm Guests Throughout The Night! - Travel Documentary: Kim FOOLED Putin? How Kim OUTSMARTED Putin & Weaponized Russia's Weaknesses - Travel Documentary:    • Kim FOOLED Putin? How Kim OUTSMARTED ...   The Most SINFUL Country? The DARK SIDE of Netherlands - Shocking Truths That Will Blow Your Mind!:    • The Most SINFUL Country? The DARK SID...   BIZARRE Things That Only Exist in RUSSIA and Will Surprise You! Travel Documentary:    • BIZARRE Things That Only Exist in RUS...   #lifeinnorthkorea #factsaboutnorthkoreakimjongun #strangefactsaboutnorthkorea #traveldocumentary #documentaries #GlobeGo