12/25/24 (Wednesday: Christmas Day) – The Nativity of Our Lord

12/25/24 (Wednesday: Christmas Day) – The Nativity of Our Lord

Divine Service Setting 3 (LSB 184) “O Come, All Ye Faithful” (LSB 379) Exodus 40:17-21, 34-38 Titus 3:4-7 John 1:1-18 “O Jesus Christ, Thy Manager Is” (LSB 372) Distribution Hymns: “Come, Your Hearts and Voices Raising” (LSB 375), “See Amid the Winter’s Snow” (LSB 373), “Away in a Manger” (LSB 364), “God Loves Me Dearly” (LSB 392) “All My Heart Again Rejoices” (LSB 360) Music used by permission: Lutheran Service Builder Hymn License no. 110004825