EASY baby led weaning cookies from scratch with 3 variations

EASY baby led weaning cookies from scratch with 3 variations

These baby led weaning cookies are so simple to make and your baby will love them! I took this recipe and divided it in thirds to make 3 variations: Carrot cake, blueberry oat, and peanut butter oatmeal. Help your little one transition to solids with this flavorful recipe while they discover new flavors & textures. Packed with nutrition and naturally sweetened with banana, your baby is sure to love these! The original recipe: https://www.mjandhungryman.com/banana... My variation add ins: Divide the batter into 3. 1st add in: 3 tbsp shredded carrot, splash of vanilla, pinch of cinnamon and salt. 2nd add in: 3 tbsp fresh or frozen blueberries, dash of vanilla and salt. 3rd add in: 2 tbsp peanut butter and splash of vanilla. Bake at 350 for 8-11 minutes. Move cookies to wire rack to cool completely. Can freeze for up to 3 months! #babyledweaning #easyrecipe I hope your baby enjoys!