How Trauma is Over-diagnosed as ASD & ADHD in Children in Alienation & Conflict - Melanie Gill
A feature of high conflict cases is the attribution of some form of neuro developmental disorders developing in children by the alienating parent. The high level of misdiagnosis is recognized by professionals working on these cases internationally. In over 75% of the cases I’ve been on in the last 16 years some form has been alleged in at least one of the children in a family. Children’s distress goes unrecognized and unacknowledged, and the diagnosis is often used as a weapon to stop parents seeing their child. Attachment science gets to what’s really happening, trauma mimics the symptoms. Melanie Gill is an attachment expert, specialist psychologist and forensic consultant. She has over 15 years’ experience working as an expert witness assessing very complex cases involving parental alienation. She has a broad range of training taking in attachment and forensic assessment which yields very detailed and nuanced analyses of all family members. She has been a very vocal campaigner on PA for years. Over the last two years she has been targeted by women’s groups, radical feminists, and a group of psychologists who have aligned with PA deniers and domestic violence campaigners. She has been accused of being a charlatan, fraud, and a danger to the public so must be doing something right. In the last month, the accusations came to a head in the High Court in England in a landmark case in which PA was described as pseudo-science. She and PA were exonerated. Not in the eyes of the media though so misinformation still abounds.