Catalytic Converter Diagnosis 9 Easy Methods for Pro Results
Higher mileage vehicles can developed a plugged or inefficient catalytic converter. This video shows using simple steps to troubleshoot and fix the issue. This video discusses 9 methods to test and prove that the catalytic converter is faulty. It is often best to try multiple methods to be sure of a cat failure due to high cost of replacement. Most of these methods do not require special tools or skill. Common DTC codes associated with Cats: P0420, P0421, P0422, P0423, P0424, P0430, P0431, P0432, P0433, P0434 IP819 Scan tool on amazon.com https://amzn.to/3Pri8BH (earns me a small commission if you click on the link) IP819 Scan tool on amazon.ca https://amzn.to/3ZwNcoo (earns me a small commission if you click on the link) Diagnostic Method 1: Pressure differential test before and after the cat Diagnostic Method 2: Temperature differential test before and after the cat Diagnostic Method 3: Remove Oxygen O2 sensor Diagnostic Method 4: Release Cats from manifold Diagnostic Method 5: Vacuum gauge Diagnostic Method 6: Visual inspection Diagnostic Method 7: Live data from an OBDII Scan Tool Fix Method 1: Replacement with new cat Fix Method 2: Replacement with straight pipe 0:00 Description of different exhaust system components: manifold, catalytic converter, oxygen sensors, resonator, muffler, tail pipe 4:10 Symptoms of a bad plugged cat 5:57 Procedure to diagnose a bad cat 6:00 Fix all exhaust leaks 6:20 Use a laser thermometer 9:00 Rubber Mallet test 9:57 Determine overheating condition by the discolored metal housing 10:21 Identifying a blockage or plug in the exhaust system 12:02 Drill test holes and measure pressure 12:49 Using a OBDII scan tool to check for DTC codes 13:45 Using a OBDII scan tool to check live data from oxygen (O2) sensors 15:01 Visually inspect the cats 16:20 Repairing the issue and impacts to complying with California emissions standards 17:14 Wrap up