after effects to webm with ffmpeg transparent background for web
Download 1M+ code from https://codegive.com/3072bea creating a webm video with a transparent background using adobe after effects and ffmpeg involves a few steps. below is a comprehensive tutorial to guide you through the process. step 1: prepare your composition in after effects 1. **create a new project**: open adobe after effects and create a new project. 2. **set up your composition**: go to `composition` `new composition`. choose your desired width, height, and frame rate. make sure your background is set to transparent (you can check this by looking for the checkerboard pattern). 3. **add your elements**: add the layers or animations you want in your composition. ensure that the parts of your animation that you want to be transparent do not have any solid backgrounds. step 2: render your composition with an alpha channel 1. **go to composition add to render queue**. 2. in the render queue panel, click on the *output module* settings (by default, it may say “lossless”). 3. change the *format* to **quicktime**. 4. click on *format options**, and select **apple prores 4444* or *animation* codec. both support alpha channels (transparency). 5. in the output module settings, make sure to set the *channels* to **rgb + alpha**. 6. set the *depth* to *millions of colors+* to ensure the alpha channel is included. 7. choose your output location and click **ok**. 8. click the *render* button to export your video. step 3: convert the quicktime to webm with ffmpeg now that you have your video with a transparent background, you need to convert it to webm format using ffmpeg, which supports transparency in webm. 1. **download and install ffmpeg**: if you haven’t installed ffmpeg yet, you can download it from [ffmpeg's official website](https://ffmpeg.org/download.html). 2. **open command line**: open a terminal (command prompt on windows or terminal on macos/linux). 3. **navigate to your video’s directory**: use the `cd` command to navigate to the folder where your rendered video is loca ... #AfterEffects #FFmpeg #windows After Effects WebM FFmpeg transparent background export video conversion animation file format encoding rendering lossless compression web optimization digital media video editing video export