Why Love First? | Love first. | Sunday Morning Worship | December 31, 2023
What do you do when others disagree with you? Or criticize you? Or treat you unfairly? How do you engage with people who are different from you? Whose interests and commitments are at odds with your own? What’s the role of Christians in a world where not everyone shares Christian values or Christian beliefs? God is clear on this one: Christians always love first. Watch our service from Sunday, December 31, with a message from Jack Reese, as we begin a new series. Join us Sundays in person or online at https://live.nscoc.org. To support the work God is doing through Northside, give today at https://nscoc.org/give. For more information about Northside Church of Christ, visit https://nscoc.org. CCLI License # 381546.