July 22, 2020, Daily Rosary Live at 7:30 pm ET (Glorious Mysteries)

July 22, 2020, Daily Rosary Live at 7:30 pm ET (Glorious Mysteries)

Friends of the Rosary, Today is the liturgical feast of St. Mary Magdalene, a follower of Jesus, on par with the Apostles. She was one of the three women present at Christ’s crucifixion. Jesus Himself had healed her of evil spirits and infirmities. Mary Magdalene was the first recorded witness of the Resurrection. She announced to the grieving Apostles the bodily rising of Christ from death. The first Glorious Mystery proclaims today that Jesus is truly alive, not in a metaphorical sense. Heaven and Earth, the two orders of our existence, are coming together. [Written by Mikel A | TheRosaryNetwork.org] —