Preacher Curls--Don't Injure Your Biceps. A Different Way To Do Them
https://werewolfactive.com Hello again everyone. A few words about doing preacher curls for your biceps. It is definitely a good exercise, but the "traditional" angled bench you see in most gyms has a couple of drawbacks. First, at the bottom of the movement the weight is essentially trying to hyperextend your elbow. Also, because of this, the bottom is where you see most injuries occur, especially if you're going heavy. Also, at the top of the movement you have almost no tension on the bicep muscles, because the load is going straight down through your forearms. An alternative is to place the bench in a vertical position--IF you are able to do so. By placing the bench vertically you are no longer attempting to hyperextend your elbow joint at the bottom, and at the top you get FULL, peak contraction of the bicep muscles. Special thanks to the Personalized Wellness Center, Akron, Ohio.