Tuesday of the 34th Week in Ordinary Time - Gospel Reflection, November 28, 2023
WATCH/ LISTEN: Tuesday of the 34th Week in Ordinary Time - Gospel Reflection, November 28, 2023. #SVDyouth #YoungAmbassadorsForChrist #DailyGospelReflection #VerbumDomini “In the gospel of Luke 21:5-11, Jesus tells his disciples that the Jerusalem Temple will be destroyed. This actually happened in 70 AD when the Romans wrecked the Temple. This serves as a reminder that worldly things don't last forever. Jesus also talks about signs before the end times—wars, earthquakes, famines, and plagues. While these might sound scary, the main message is to stick to your faith and trust in God, no matter what's happening around you. Christ is the ONLY answer, Always and Forever! So, the passage is like a heads-up to stay spiritually strong and not get too caught up in temporary stuff. It's a call to focus on what really matters—faith and doing what's right—especially when life gets tough.” #SpiritualPreparedness #FaithInChallenges #EndTimes #TrustInGod #PrioritizeFaith #Impermanence #DivineGuidance *** May the Divine Word made flesh, be with you always and in all ways! #YAC #YMAC #SYM #SVDyouth #SHRINEyouthMinistry #ShrineYouth #DrawnToFollow #PromoteTheGospel #PromotionToLOVEtheWORDofGOD #UnfailingGrace #EmpowerTheYoung #ServeOthers #etAmorServeDei #YACymacSYMstrongAndUNCONQUERED #YACymacSYMfortisINVICTA (text/pic:cttro) “We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ's behalf: Be reconciled to God.” (2Cor. 5:20)