Park Lake Presbyterian Church Worship - November 22, 2020

Park Lake Presbyterian Church Worship - November 22, 2020

Sunday November 22, 2020 Complete Worship Service Worship 10:30 a.m. Park Lake Presbyterian Church 309 E. Colonial Drive Orlando, Florida 32801 Phone:407-841-6550 Follow PLPC: Website: Facebook Page:   / parklakepres   Facebook Group:   / 64409399847   Twitter:   / parklakechurch   YouTube:    / @parklakepresbyterianchurch4025   0:00 Welcome and Announcements 2:45 Minute for Mission - Gingerbread House Fundraiser 4:10 Minute for Mission - Angel Tree 5:21 Prelude - Joyful, Joyful - Catherine Johnson and Jill Schubert, handbells 8:07 Call to Worship/Prayer of Praise and Adoration 9:24 Hymn - All People That on Earth Do Dwell 12:03 Scripture Reading - Ezekiel 34 11-24 14:54 Call to Confession/Unison Prayer of Confession/Declaration of Forgiveness/Passing of the Peace 17:30 Hymn - Give Thanks 19:17 Minutes for Stewardship - Dr. Dan DeBevoise 31:59 Scripture Reading - Matthew 25 31-46 36:21 Sermon - Seeing Jesus Everywhere - Dr. Helen DeBevoise 56:49 Affirmation of Faith 58:58 Offertory - A Canon of Thanks 1:02:03 Dedication of Stewardship Pledges with Litany of Commitment 1:05:15 Hymn - Now Thank We All Our God 1:07:59 Charge and Benediction 1:08:25 Choral Response - God Be With You Till We Meet Again 1:09:00 Postlude