Illustration no.1 RECTIFICATION of ERRORS | 11th Accounts Maharashtra Board | Pooja Kela
RECTIFICATION of Errors solved questions and answers Class 11 | Rectify the following errors | Q 1 Page 256 In this video, we have discussed in detail how to rectify ERRORS in Accounting from Chapter 8 Rectification of Errors of Class 11th. Do subscribe so that you do not miss any of our videos!! If you find it helpful do share with your classmates. We will be covering entire course syllabus of Class 11, 12 and CA on our channel. So be sure to watch and learn !! Thank you for watching !! All the best, Pooja ✌️✌️CLICK HERE for more lectures on 11th ECONOMICS: ✌️✌️ 🎯Ch 1: Basic Concepts in Economics: • 11th ECO Ch 1 Basic Concepts in Econo... 🎯Ch 2: Money: • 11th ECO Ch 2 Money 🎯Ch 3: Partition Values: • 11th ECO Ch 3 Partition Values 🎯Ch 4: The Economy of Maharashtra: • 11th ECO Ch 4 The Economy of Maharashtra 🎯Ch 5: Rural Development in India: • 11th ECO CH 5 Rural Development in India ✌️✌️CLICK HERE for more lectures on 11th Accountancy: ✌️✌️ 🎯Basic Accounting Terms and Principles: • 11th Accounts Accounting Terms and Pr... 🎯Journal Entries: • 11th Accounts Journal Entries 🎯Journal Entries Solved problems: • 11th Accounts Journal Entries Solved ... 🎯Ledger: • 11th Accounts LEDGER 🎯Subsidiary Books: • 11th Accounts Subsidiary Books 🎯BRS Bank Reconciliation Statement: • 11th Accounts (BRS)Bank Reconciliatio... 🎯Depreciation: • 11th Accounts Depreciation 🎯Rectification of errors: • 11th Accounts Rectification of Errors 🎯Final Accounts: • 11th Accounts Final Accounts 🎯Single Entry System: • 11th Accounts Single Entry System Your Queries: 11th accounts rectification of errors textbook illustrations 11th accounts maharashtra board rectification of errors questions with answers rectification of errors example rectification of errors solution class 11 rectification of errors solutions solved problems on rectification of errors how to do rectification of errors rectification of errors problems with solutions rectification of errors problems and solutions rectification of errors practical problems rectification of errors questions with solutions class 11 rectification of errors questions with answers rectification of errors examples rectification of errors exercise rectification of errors extra questions rectification of errors textbook solutions rectification of errors textbook answers rectification of errors maharashtra state board rectification of errors maharashtra board rectification of errors textual questions rectification of errors textual questions and answers rectification of errors textual problems rectification of errors journal entries what is rectification of errors methods of rectification of errors how to rectify errors in accounting Rectification of one-sided errors Rectification of two-sided errors rectification of errors before preparation of trial balance Rectify the following errors rectify the following errors class 11 types of rectification of errors with examples methods of rectification of errors what is rectification of errors rectification of errors format how to fix accounting errors how would you rectify errors in accounting correction of errors in accounting example one sided errors in accounting rectification of errors before trial balance what is rectification of errors how to do rectification of errors explain rectification of errors what are the types of rectification of errors rectification of errors before and after rectification of errors class 11 rectification of errors examples rectification of errors in accounting rectification of errors class 11 notes rectification of errors class 11 accounts rectification of errors questions with answers rectification of errors trial balance and rectification of errors types of rectification of errors class 11 accounts rectification of errors what is meant by rectification of errors rectification of errors kya hota hai rectification of errors kya hai rectification of errors easy rectification of errors best explanation rectification of errors simple rectification of errors tricks and tips rectification of errors kaise solve kare accountancy #capoojatotalekela #rectificationoferror #rectificationoferrors #class11accounts #class11thaccounts #11thaccountancy #11thaccounts #accountancy #accountancyclass11