The Wolf Among Us Episode 2: Smoke & Mirrors (Will Bigby recover from losing 2 girlfriends)

The Wolf Among Us Episode 2: Smoke & Mirrors (Will Bigby recover from losing 2 girlfriends)

We are back with a new part of the gameplay walkthrough part 5 of The Wolf Among us - Episode 2: Smoke & Mirrors This the Wolf Among Us by Telltale Games, gameplay series will include my personal honest review at the end, all episodes and the ending of course. If you also enjoy decision based story games or just Telltale games in general, give this video a like and subscribe, it means a lot and helps me hit my subscriber goal! The Wolf Among Us Episode 1 is titled "Faith". Episode 2 is titled "Smoke and Mirrors". Episode 3 is titled "A Crooked Mile". Episode 4 is titled "In Sheep's Clothing" and Episode 5 is titled "Cry Wolf". #letsplay #telltalegames #walkthrough