Profit or Loss Account || Based on NFRS || Concept and Format || Class 12 || BBS 1st year Account
To Study IELTS/PTE/SAT at Gurubaa International Consultancy, Fill the form below(Both Online and offline available) : https://forms.gle/HzFKq3rajgid6jrA9 This new episode is from Account subject where we have explained the format of Profit or Loss Account (Income Statement) based on NFRS (Nepal Financial reporting Standards)., This video is useful for both Class 12 (NEB) students as well as BBS 1st Year Students (TU). It is one of the mostt demanded topic by students from their chapter "Financial Statements". Before this, we have provided videos related to multi-step income statement and balance sheet. #NFRS #profitorlossaccount #class12account Our Location - Chabahil Mitrapaark (PipalBot) Kumari Building 6th Floor Contact No : 9802325036/37 , 9813441006 Instagram Link : / gurubaa_ Join Guru Baa Official Facebook Group : / 360887071304059 Like us on facebook / gurubaaa