Today : महापरिनिर्वाण दिवस : Tribute🙏🏻 | #motivation #status #viralvideo #jaibhim #babasaheb
महामानव डॉ. बाबासाहेब आंबेडकर यांच्या स्मृतीस वंदन करणारा दिवस 🙏– महापरिनिर्वाण दिन. 🌹भारतीय राज्यघटनेचे शिल्पकार, समाजसुधारक, आणि मानवतेचा संदेश देणारे डॉ. बाबासाहेब आंबेडकर यांना त्यांच्या महापरिनिर्वाण दिनी विनम्र अभिवादन. 🙏 अशीच नवीन गाणी पाहण्यासाठी चॅनेलला सबस्क्राईब करा: Song Credits: Song Name: Saha December Album: Buddhapadi Singer: Tyagraj Khadilkar Lyrics: Gyanesh Punekar Music Director: Milind Mohite Music Label: #DrBRAmbedkar #MahaparinirvanDin #6December #AmbedkarJayanti2024 या ६ डिसेंबरला त्यांच्या स्मृतींना वंदन करून, त्यांच्या विचारांचा आदर करुया! ६ डिसेंबर डॉ. बाबासाहेब आंबेडकर महापरिनिर्वाण दिन | Dr. BR Ambedkar | 6 December Mahaparinirvan Din - 2024 व्हिडिओ आवडल्यास लाईक, कमेंट आणि इतरांना शेअर करायला विसरू नका. आमच्याशी जोडलेले राहा !!! On the occasion of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar’s death anniversary, we honor the legacy of the man who shaped India’s Constitution and fought tirelessly for equality, justice, and human rights. This video offers a concise yet insightful look into his profound thoughts, impactful sayings, and visionary ideas. Perfect for learners and admirers of history, this tribute highlights why Dr. Ambedkar remains an inspiration for generations. Let’s remember and celebrate his contributions to a better society. Join us in paying tribute to Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, the visionary leader, social reformer, and architect of the Indian Constitution, on his death anniversary. This video offers concise insights into his powerful sayings, progressive thoughts, and remarkable leadership that continue to inspire generations. Whether you’re a learner or someone curious about his legacy, this video is a perfect guide to understanding Dr. Ambedkar’s transformative contributions to India and the world. #BRAmbedkar #AmbedkarJayanti #TributeToAmbedkar #IndianConstitution #AmbedkarThoughts #SocialReformer #LeaderOfEquality #AmbedkarLegacy #LearningWithAmbedkar #InspirationalLeaders #ConstitutionDay #KnowledgeForLearners #AmbedkarSayings #EqualityAndJustice #VisionaryLeader #BabaSahebAmbedkar#DrAmbedkar #AmbedkarDeathAnniversary #BabaSaheb #IndianHistory #SocialJustice #AmbedkarForYouth #Inspiration #EqualityForAll #Ambedkarite #IndianLeaders #KnowYourHistory #HumanRights #DalitRights #VisionaryThinker #AmbedkarTeachings #AmbedkarVichar #HistoricalFigures #LearningHistory #AmbedkarReforms #JusticeForAll #IndianIcons #InspirationalThoughts #KnowledgeSharing #AmbedkarMovement