Holy Mass - The Solemnity of All Saints at Our Lady of Loretto & St Michael Musselburgh, 01/11/20

Holy Mass - The Solemnity of All Saints at Our Lady of Loretto & St Michael Musselburgh, 01/11/20

A warm welcome to mass this Sunday - The Solemnity of All Saints. The month of November presents us with an array of significant Scottish liturgical Feasts. We begin with All Saints and All Souls, on the 8th Blessed John Duns Scotus, in the middle of the month, on the 16th, we celebrate St Margaret of Scotland and, on the 30th, Andrew the Apostle, principal Patron of Scotland. Saints can seem to be far removed from us. They can seem far removed in time – Andrew lived 2,000 years ago, Margaret 950. Often, we think that they are far holier than we are: some have travelled to far distant land, endured much hardship, given up so much – even their lives. How can we possibly measure up to such example? All Saints reminds us that the grace of God works in the lives of many ordinary people. The Saints are our “brothers and sisters”. These are people we have known who have loved God, trusted God and attempted to live like Christ. They have handed on the gift of the faith to us. They are not far removed from us, they are close to us, still alive and active in the communion that is the Church. Their example and prayers continue to sustain and inspire us. C 08. Follow me follow me 259 A 17. Christ's is the world 198 C 05. In the lord i'll be ever thankful 868 C 20. Soul of my saviour 628 1. Lord, you have come to the seashore, neither searching for the rich nor the wise, and asking only that I should follow. Refrain O, Lord, with your eyes set upon me, gently smiling, you have spoken my name; all I longed for I have found by the water, at your side, I will seek other shores. 2. Lord, take my goods, my possessions; in my boat you find no power, or wealth. Will you accept, then, my nets and labour? --------------------------------------------- http://musselburghcatholic.org/