Sunday Worship Service The Holy Trinity June 12, 2022
ORDER OF WORSHIP DIVINE SERVICE 3 Cross Processional Hymn of Invocation 578 Invocation p184 Confession/Absolution p184 †The Service of the Word † Introit p186 Kyrie p186 Gloria in Excelsis p189 Salutation/Collect p189 Old Testament Proverbs 8:1-4, 22-31 p532 Gradual Epistle Reading Acts 2:14a, 22-36 p910 Alleluia/Verse p190 Holy Gospel John 8:48-59 p895 Athanasian Creed Insert Hymn of the Day 693 Sermon Offertory p192 Offering Graduate Recognition Prayer of the Church † Service of the Sacrament † Preface p194 Sanctus p195 Lord’s Prayer p196 The Words of our Lord p197 Pax Domini Agnus Dei p198 Distribution Hymns 507,504,636,675 Nunc Dimittis p199 Thanksgiving Salutation/Benedicamus p201 Benediction p202 Hymn to Depart 953