사피엔스 272강
[친해영tv] 272강 pp 233~234 1/4 Part One The Cognitive Revolution Part Two The Agricultural Revolution Part Three The Unification of Humankind 9 The Arrow of History 10 The Scent of Money 11 Imperial Visions 12 The Law of Religion 13 The Secret of Success Part Four The Scientific Revolution 12 The Law of Religion IN THE MEDIEVAl MARKET IN SAMARKAND Central Asian oasis, Syrian merchants ran their city built on 2 hands over fine Chinese silks, fierce tribesmen from the steppes displayed the latest batch of straw-haired slaves from the far west, and shopkeepers pocketed shiny gold coins imprinted with exotic scripts and the profiles of unfamiliar kings steppe [step] n 스텝 지대《시베리아 등지의 수목 없는 대초원》; (the S-(s)) 대초원지대《유럽 남동부·아시아 남서부 따위의》; (the S-s) 키르기스 스텝(Kirghiz Steppe) batch [bætʃ] n 한 벌; 한 묶음; 한 떼, 일단(一團); ex·ot·ic [igzάtik/-zɔ́t-] ɑ 외래의, 외국산의; 이국적인, 이국풍의, 이국 취미〔정서〕의; 색다른; 스트립쇼의 272강 pp 233~234 2/4 Here, at one of that era's major crossroads between east and west, north and south, the unification of humankind was an everyday fact / The same process could be observed at work when Kublai Khan's army mustered to invade Japan in 1281 / Mongol cavalrymen in skins and furs rubbed shoulders with Chinese foot soldiers in bamboo hats, drunken Korean auxiliaries picked fights with tattooed sailors from the South China Sea, engineers from Central Asia listened with dropping jaws to the tall tales of European adventurers, and all obeyed the command of a single emperor era [íərǝ, érǝ] n (연호의) 기원; 연대, (역사상의 중요한) 시대, 시기(epoch) mus·ter [mʌ́stǝr] n 소집, 검열, 점호; 집합; 집합 인원; 점호 명부; 견본 ━vt 모으다, (검열·점호에 선원·군인을) 소집하다; 집중하다 cavalrymen 기병들 rub 문지르다 rubbed shoulders with (어울렸다) Drunken auxiliaries: 술 취한 보조병들 pick fight with s/o 시비 걸다 with dropping jaws (입을 벌린 채) tall tale 허풍 이야기 272강 pp 233~234 3/4 Meanwhile, around the holy Kaaba in Mecca, human unification was proceeding by other means / Had you been a pilgrim to Mecca, circling Islam's holiest shrine in the year 1300, you might have found yourself in the company of a party from Mesopotamia, their robes floating in the wind, their eyes blazing with ecstasy, and their mouths repeating one after the other the ninety-nine names of God Kaa·ba, Ka‘·ba, Caa- [kάːbǝ] n (the ~) 카바《아라비아의 Mecca의 Great Mosque에 있으며 이슬람교에서 가장 신성한 신전》 Mec·ca [mékǝ] n 메카《사우디아라비아의 도시; Muhammad 탄생지》; (or m-) 동경의 땅, 사람이 잘 가는 곳; 동경의 대상; (주의·신앙·학문 따위의) 발상〔기원〕지 shrine [ʃrain] n ① 성체 용기(聖體容器), 성골함(聖骨函), 성감(聖龕) ② (성인들의 유물·유골을 모신) 성당, 사당(祠堂), 묘(廟) ③ 《비유적》 전당, 성지(聖地), 영역(靈域) in the company of: ~와 함께 their robes (그들의 옷) blazing (불타다, 빛나다) with ecstasy (환희로) One after the other: 하나씩 차례대로 Ninety-nine names of God: 하나님(알라)의 99가지 이름 (이슬람교에서 신을 나타내는 여러 이름들) 272강 pp 233~234 4/4 Just ahead you might have seen a weather-beaten Turkish patriarch from the Asian steppes, hobbling on a stick and stroking his beard thoughtfully / To one side, gold jewellery shining against jet-black skin, might have been group of Muslims from the African kingdom of Mali / The aroma of clove, turmeric, cardamom and sea salt would have signalled the presence of brothers from India, or perhaps from the mysterious spice islands further east Just ahead (바로 앞에서) Weather-beaten: 풍상에 시달린, 거칠어진 pa·tri·arch [péitriὰːrk] n 가장《matriarch에 대하여》; 족장 hob·ble [hάbəl/hɔ́bəl] vi 절뚝거리며 걷다 #사피엔스 #spiens #유발하라리 #윔피키드 #wimpykid #친해영tv #친해영 #해바영어 #해바화상영어 #필리핀화상영어 #필리핀영어 #쉬운영어 #직독직해 #영어독해 #영어듣기 #영어원서읽기 #영어공부 #박치동 #haevaenglish #영어원서번역