Traditional Live Worship | Calling All Angels | COS Lutheran | Dec 8, 2024

Traditional Live Worship | Calling All Angels | COS Lutheran | Dec 8, 2024

The Second Sunday of Advent - Calling All Angels: A Christmas Chancel Drama by Helen Camp #christourshepherd #fritzwiese #carlaknobler #larrypeterson #liveworship #onlinechurch #churchonline #traditional #advent #COS —— Worship Guide —— —— Our Mission —— Connecting to Jesus' Pathway of Joy and Life —— Our Vision —— Our Vision is to create an open community, welcoming, encouraging, and equipping all to grow and make a positive impact for the greater good. —— Our Values —— 1. We are an open and inclusive community that welcomes everyone. 2. We are an evolving spiritual community. 3. We believe in God’s grace and unconditional love. 4. We share our gifts generously. 5. We strive for excellence in all we do. 6. We are a renewing, growing, spiritual community. To support this ministry and help us continue to reach people all around the world click here: Subscribe to receive our latest messages:    / @coslutheranptc   —— Stay Connected —— Website: COS Lutheran Church Facebook:   / coslutheran   Follow us:    / @coslutheranptc   Section Titles: Prelude: Richard King, trumpet & flugelhorn Welcome & Announcements/Exchanging the Peace Lighting of the Advent Wreath Greeting/Prayer of the Day The Message: Calling All Angels – A Christmas Chancel Drama by Helen Camp The Apostles’ Creed Prayers of the Church Invitation to Offering - Offering Music: Away in a Manger – M&M bells & chimes The Great Thanksgiving/Words of Institution The Lord's Prayer/Sharing Communion: Lamb of God (ELW S154); We Are Waiting for Jesus (ACS 905) Blessing & Benediction Sending Hymn: Prepare the Royal Highway (ELW 264) Dismissal Postlude Second Sunday of Advent | Pastor Fritz Wiese | Christ Our Shepherd Lutheran Church