कच्चे पपीता के फायदे और नुकसान / kacha papita khane ke fayde #shotrts #food #science

कच्चे पपीता के फायदे और नुकसान / kacha papita khane ke fayde #shotrts #food #science

This short by Dr kulwinder kaur discusses the benefits and potential drawbacks of consuming unripe papaya. It covers aspects related to its nutritional value, health benefits, and any precautions to take when including unripe papaya in your diet. It highlights several benefits and some risks of consuming unripe papaya. Benefits include aiding digestion, improving skin health, and boosting immunity due to its high vitamin content. Potential drawbacks may involve digestive issues if consumed in large quantities, particularly for pregnant women, as it can induce contractions. The video emphasizes the importance of moderation and consulting a healthcare provider if you have any concerns. Related keywords- Kaccha papita khane ke fayde benefits of papaya papaya,raw papaya benefits green papaya benefits and side effects papaya benefits kache papaye che fayde benefits of eating raw papaya health benefits of papaya papaya side effects,raw papaya benefits of papaya seeds health benefits of papaya seeds health benefits of raw papaya raw papaya benefits and side effects green papaya benefits raw green papaya benefits and side effects raw papaya for weight loss raw papaya benefits in hindi side effects of raw papaya kacha papita ke fayde kacha papita khane ke fayde kaccha papita khane ke fayde kacha papita khane se kya hota hai papita kacha papita pregnancy kaccha papita ke fayde #UnripepapayaHealthbenefits #Digestion #Immunityboost Nutritional value of papaya Vitamin content in papaya Precautions while eating papaya papaya in Pregnancy Eat papaya in moderation #health #food #facts #ythealth #science #shorts #shotrts #shortsfeed #fruit #papaya #ayurvedahealthtips #diwaliinhindhi #danceladies #pakmediaonindialatest