Don't cut water or sodium in bodybuilding contest prep. Ft. Layne Norton
"I JUST DIDN'T CARB UP ENOUGH & LOOKED FLAT ON SHOW DAY" ft. @biolayne1 There are so many details to know and discuss about PEAK WEEK The goal of any PEAK WEEK PROTOCOL is to get as much water into the muscle cells and leave as little water in the subcutaneous layer (between the muscle and the skin) as possible. Unfortunately, for years, many still follow bro science water-loading protocols, that typically result in people looking softer, flatter, less vascular, and the worse is actually that many can’t even get a pump on show day When the show is over, many competitors notice that they actually look better late at night, or the following day after eaten massive meals. So the assumption they make is that they didn’t carb up enough, but the TRUTH is because they finally ATE SODIUM & DRANK WATER. When you cut sodium in your diet, your body will fight to maintain homeostasis. This affects where the water will go to. So now water goes everywhere but where you need it (within the muscle cells). It’s just sitting there in the subcutaneous layer and the gut, giving you softer appearance (not hard or shredded enough) Sodium depletion has effects on vascularity and it is one of the most powerful volumizers of the plasma. So, if you deplete sodium, you lower the volume and pressure of the vascular system. And one of the reasons sodium depletion stimulates aldosterone is to prevent blood pressure from falling too low. So, those looking bad onstage but had a cheat meal afterwards and started looking shredded, full, and vascular, wasn’t because of the carbs but the fact that they finally ate sodium and drank water, which filled them out. If you’ve ever done one of these BROTOCOLS before and ended up very frustrated, I’m hoping that you’re having a “EUREKA ” moment right NOW! ⚠️LIKE & SUSCRIBE , COMMENT WHAT PART YOU FOUND MOST INTERESTING FROM TODAY'S VIDEO⚠️ ✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴ THINGS YOU DONT WANNA MISS⬇️ ✔Want to become personal trainer? or learn more about the SCIENCE of NUTRITION, CONTEST PREP? from Layne Norton or get the best guide on sustainable fat loss by Bill Campbell? Check out all the amazing courses, guidebook & certifications at Clean Health Fitness Institute here 👉https://cleanhealth.edu.au/?ref=astri... (Code naranjo10 for 10% discount at the checkout) ✔Are you looking for discounted Evidence-based SUPPLEMENTS? I partnered up with LEGION ATHLETICS, cause as a Dietitian I have struggled to find a company I trust & that I could recommend with confidence. Their products are AMAZING. 👉https://bit.ly/3bre2GR 👉Use my code AstridRD if you want to support me (20% off for new customers - Double loyalty points for returning customers) ✔My go to RESEARCH review MASS : https://transactions.sendowl.com/stor... ✔Cookbook currently using for lower calorie RECIPES: https://www.gregdoucette.com/?ref=ast... 🤗A bit about me: I am an accredited practicing dietitian My Key Areas i am passionate about: Weight loss & body re-composition Nutrition Research & nutrition coaching/education Diabetes education & Clinical nutrition Fitness & sports Nutrition Binge eating disorder &Food freedom Women’s health & PCOS Check my website https://astrid-dietitian.com/ 👉Follow me on instagram / antidiet_dietitian @antidiet_dietitian ( English) @tucoach.nutricional ( Spanish) Follow me on Tiktok: https://vm.tiktok.com/JM1npou/ 👉check my website Astrid-dietitian.com 👉Apply for coaching: https://astridnaranjo.typeform.com/to... #shorts #laynenorton #biolayne #peakweek