The Biggest Cheating Scandal in Fortnite History

The Biggest Cheating Scandal in Fortnite History

From the Cheating Scandal in the Fortnite World Cup to hackers and teamers THIS is Fortnite's Most Wanted List. Enjoy! 🌟 Socials 🌟 📺 Twitch:   / sypherpk   🐥 Twitter:   / sypherpk   📷 Instagram:   / sypherpk   💌 Discord: 📚 Facebook:   / sypherpk   ☂️Check out Metal Umbrella! 🐥Metal Umbrella Twitter:   / metalumbrellaco   📷 Metal Umbrella IG:   / metalumbrellaco   🎵 Metal Umbrella Tiktok:   / metalumbrella   🎥 Directed, Thumbnail by: JackZenn:   / jackmelaschenko   🎥 Edit by Jarrett Hey everyone it’s SypherPK, and Welcome back to another fortnite battle royale vid! I try to keep these vids as clean and family friendly as possible! Hope you enjoy! #fortnite #sypherpk #chapter4