OLD SCHOOL CHITTERLINGS This is a item either you love them or hate them Very simple to cook and make After you clean them ( very important that u clean them good !) Marinate them overnight with Italian dressing to hide the smell while they cooking After 24 hours Rinse off marinate Recipe 5# chitterlings 1 cup chopped onions 1 cup chopped celery( optional) 2 tablespoons kosher salt and pepper 1/4 cup white vinegar 24 oz bottle Italian dressing Add all ingredients to pot Cook for 21/2 to 3 hours on top of stove in pot I enjoy eating mine with hot sauce and old school cornbread GO FOLLOW MY FACEBOOK PAGE   / oldschoolsoulfood   GO FOLLOW MY INSTAGRAM PAGE   / mr_old_school_soul_food   FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER   / wacjeff   PLEASE WRITE ME OR SEND ME LETTERS I RESPOND TO ALL LETTERS AND CARDS MY MAILING ADDRESS IS : OLD SCHOOL SOUL FOOD 23501 CINCO RANCH BLVD SUITE H120 P.O. BOX 142 KATY,TEXAS 77494